Every Gnome Needs a Home.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Casa Photographias

4 Month Old Juniper--Growing and Jabberin' Like Mad!

Early Sunday Mornings....I like to wake up Papa!!!
Mommy caught me dozing off into sweet dreams...

Smiling and Squealing are my "some of my favorite things"! (Yes, I've already watched "The Sound of Music" with Mama)...

I'm quite fashionable for a 4 month old...Here I am as a June-Bug in silk and sparkles!!!

My first pumpkin farm!!! Little did I know that Mama and Papa lost my pumpkin and realized it that night...They felt horrible about it!! Luckily, a nice lady at The Red Hen gave Papa another tiny pumpkin for me...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Juniper Grace's Birth Story...

In one week, two sisters experienced two very different however life-transforming events. My sister experienced a brush with death when the Alaskan commercial fishing boat she was working on sunk after hitting the breakwater. The Siren, may you rest in peace.

I experienced an event on the other side of the spectrum—the unbelievable gift of life as Juniper Grace Wells made her way into this world. Like my high school English teacher Mrs. Stewart always reminded her pupils, “Where there is death, there is life.” Below is the latter story…it is a little broken up due to the mostly delirious state I was in at the time. I’m sure my perspective is much different than that of those who watched Juniper’s labor and birth happen. I hope you enjoy her story and that you will continuously feel apart of her life in years to come.

At around 5 a.m. Thursday morning, I began feeling light contractions lasting between 45-60 seconds occurring around 10-15 minutes apart. Jered and I were very excited. We had my computer already hooked up and ready to start recording the contractions on Contraction Master. As the early morning hours wore off, so did my contractions. I was still having bloody show—I had some the day before as well. However, my contractions were getting farther apart and less intense. I decided that walking might help them along, so my mom and I went on a short stroll in the neighborhood. The walking only distracted me from the tiny contractions, so we went back home and rested. I can’t remember much of what occurred between then and 4 p.m. that afternoon. I know that I experienced sporadic contractions throughout the day and it wasn’t until around 4 that they were becoming noticeably closer together and more intense. Jered and I called up our friend Holly who was going to photograph the birth and we met at Harris Teeter. We walked around a bit and experienced a few contractions before we were kicked out by the store’s manager (we needed to sign a waiver form in order to take pictures inside the store). TYCB Yogurt was just next door, so we thought the short jaunt wouldn’t do any harm, especially if frozen yogurt was involved. Once we were in, an annoying lady start commenting on my belly and decided to share her birth horror stories. I was not appreciative of her comments, especially since I was going through pre-labor right then and there, however, I politely smiled and giggled only to humor her. Jered and I bought some yogurt, sat, talked and laughed through contractions (they weren’t horrible at this point) while Holly shot some pictures of us. Afterwards we headed back home and that’s when things began to pick up. My contractions were coming closer and closer together, so I began to record everything on Contraction Master. Unfortunately the perfectionist in me got a little psyched out when what I saw on the screen did not show what I wanted to see. I wanted things to progress even more, but contractions were becoming sporadic again. I called my doula and she suggested that I stop using the Contraction Master and that instead, Jered prepare a hot bath and a glass of red wine for me and that I sit in it for 15 minutes. Those fifteen minutes were heavenly. Jered set up some candles and turned off the lights in the bathroom. With each contraction I vocalized using low tones. The water felt amazing. Afterwards I snuggled in my bed while mom sat next to me and knitted Juniper’s blanket. Once things picked up again, dad came in with his guitar and I sang low tones during my contractions. Mom and dad harmonized with meJ. Jered was coming in and out checking up on me while simultaneously getting all the supplies and the room ready for the homebirth. My doula, Stacy, showed up and we began to try various methods of bringing the baby down during each contraction. We tied a bed sheet and placed it on top of Juniper’s room’s closet door. During contractions I held myself up with the sheet and squatted and bore down on each contraction. This made things more intense, but it was significantly helpful in bringing Juniper down. I could feel us working together as a team. After trying that technique, Stacy suggested that Jered and I take a hot shower and during each contraction, I squat and Jered hold onto my arms or that I sit on his legs. This was also very helpful in bringing Juniper down. At this point I was in active labor and was dilated 5 cm. It was time to visit the birthing pool! Right before getting into the pool, however, my doula suggested that I eat something. My mother-in-law was super awesome and made me a delicious pasta dish right then and there, however, only one bite in and everything came right back up. I didn’t have much to throw up considering all I had a few hours before was frozen yogurt! My friend Holly caught my throw up (bless her heart!) while everyone else tended to the mess and cleaned me up. People were giving me drinks like crazy. I remember my doula being really excited that I had thrown up and asked me if I knew what that meant. I responded very matter of factly that it meant the baby was coming (after two months of intensely researching homebirth, I can spout off a lot of text book information—now I’ve actually experienced it so I’m more credible, hehe). After that interesting event my mid-wife came. I told her that I’d thrown up three times and she responded “good!” and ask me if I knew how that can help labor. Once again I responded matter of factly that throwing up opens up the cervix. She responded “good girl!” Then it was time to get into the pool. It felt great. Jered sat in it with me; the water was pretty toasty, but I loved it. Jered, on the other hand, had to get out a couple times, hehe. During contractions Jered would hold me or rub on my back. My doula and mother did the same from outside the pool. I had so much support and encouragement in that room it’s unbelievable. I wish all women could have that much support during the labor and birth process! I had no concept of time, so I don’t know how long I was in the pool for. I was depleted of food energy, however, so people were giving me energy drinks and water constantly to keep me going. I rested between contractions—sometimes even falling half-way asleep—and then would squat in the water and bear down on each contraction. Apparently I made a lot of noiseJ. When I hit transition, my midwife suggested that I sit on the toilet and bear down on each contraction to break my water. Even though she was making suggestions, I did everything she said because I wanted Juniper out! I got out of that pool and sat on the toilet while Jered held me as he sat on his knees below. Everyone left the room and sat in the hallway to give us privacy. This was definitely the transition stage. I remember almost starting to cry out in desperation and Jered saying something around the lines of “it’s okay babe, there’s no need to cry”. I slapped him on the back and cried out “I can cry if I want to!” I started apologizing right away; I heard some giggling in the hallway—I’m pretty sure everyone heard meJ. Anyways, I was trying to bear down on each contraction, but my water just would not break. I did have the urge to go to the bathroom, which meant I was ready to push. I got back into the pool and had my midwife check me. I was 11 cm dilated! I didn’t know you could get past 10! Juniper was ready to come out. I asked my midwife to break my water for me. After she did so, I began pushing. I tried squatting positions for a couple hours and then for the last hour I sat on the bed on my side, held my legs towards my chest while Jered and Stacy held on to my feet. Juniper was ready to be born, but my midwife and doula wanted to make sure I didn’t tear, so we were patient during the pushing stage. Juniper never went into distress; my midwife checked her with the doppler and her hear rate consistently stayed at 140 (which is what it was when I wasn’t in labor). At one point during the pushing stage, everyone who was crowded around me saw Juniper’s head move and bobble back and forth! They said they’d never seen a baby do that before. Jered, Audrey (my midwife) and Stacy stretched me using a hot compress, oils and their fingers. I am so grateful for their patience, diligence and superb care! It hurt a lot, but I’m so glad I didn’t tear! I remember at one point I yelled out “this hurts like hell!” and right after she was born I said “I’m so sorry I said hell!” When Juniper’s head came out I heard everyone gasp; I kept hearing my mom say “Aimee, this is incredible!” Everyone was so encouraging and excited! I couldn’t wait to get her out completely and meet her. Her right hand was on her right ear, so at this point everyone was being really careful so that I wouldn’t tear and that she wouldn’t get stuck. Jered knows better than I do what happened next since he was right there, but Audrey maneuvered Juniper’s little hand in such a way to help her out safely. Right before Juniper came out I looked at Jered and said “Are you going to catch her?” and Audrey looked at him and asked the same thing. Jered nodded and got ready—then the moment came and he held his baby girl for the first time! She pinked up right away and we heard a little cry. Jered brought her to my chest for some skin-to-skin contact. We put a receiving blanket on her and I stared at her in disbelief. I can’t remember a whole lot at this point except for experiencing an amazing rush of oxytocin (love hormones baby!) and being soooo glad that the marathon was over and that I finally had our baby girl here, in my arms, safe and sound. I was overwhelmingly grateful for all the hard work everyone had done those past 21 hours. My husband and mom were by my side practically the whole active labor and pushing stages, my midwife and doula worked so well together—their care was incredible, my father and my in-laws were always encouraging and praying for me and Juniper, and my friend Holly not only took pictures, but caught my throw-up, encouraged me and let me hold her tightly during some unbearable contractions! Not to mention all the friends and family who were there in spirit, praying and sending encouraging texts.

I have so much respect for all mothers who experience all kinds of labors and births. The female body is amazing—God designed us to do this—what an honor! I feel as though I have fallen in love all over again. Juniper Grace Wells—thank you for giving your father and I the honor of being your parents and caregivers!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Belly Pictures

Familia y Amigos,
The following link will take you to a facebook site with Belly Pictures of little June-Bug, Jer and me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Booky Shelveys for the Einstein Room

Jered's study, or The Einstein Room, is currently under construction. It's the last room in the house that needs finishing up--and the one we're most excited about. Mostly green, we have high hopes that this room will provoke philosophical conversations and spur minds on towards greater understanding. Hehe, actually, we just like the color and wanted a room where everything was splashed with various shades of green. In the pictures below you see my very crafty and nifty husband building a shelving unit for our ginormous collection of theatre, religion, math and physics textbooks. We just hope Juniper picks up a few of them someday and finds something intriguing to her curious mind...

Veggie Tales

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

D.I.Y. Laundry Bag and Cute Elastic Bead Rings

Baby Shower Pictures by Holly Dwan Photography

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Juniper's Nursery


More Pictures of La Casa de Wells

Every home needs a gnome!!!